

Educational paths for aspiring dataninjas and schools

Dataninja School

Dataninja School

The e-learning platform for learning data analysis from 0 to 100

Find interactive beginner, intermediate and advanced courses to follow independently, with our constant support. Learn a method of working with data regardless of your background or area of specialisation
Open the Box

Open the Box

An interactive path of media and data literacy for high schools

Open the Box is a media and data literacy path for high schools aimed at teachers and educators

Scuola Media 2021

An in-depth analysis of the most recent data from the Italian middle school told with an immersive and interactive report based on scrollytelling for Fondazione Agnelli .

INGV Open Data portal

All the institute's open data finally available, accessible and searchable on an official website based on CKAN.


We support Datafactor data scientists in the design and implementation of the platform for collecting and analyzing local and national open data.

AI Anchor

AI Anchor is an automatic content generation project by Il Sole24Ore co-financed by the Google Digital News Initiative.